Having shelter is a basic human need. Having access to affordable, adequate, and suitable housing is a critical issue for immigrants and born-Canadians alike. As noted in the Pathways 2 Prosperity Welcoming Communities Toolkit, some Key Indicators are:
• Housing affordability: percent of before tax household income (from all sources) spent on
housing (aiming for less than 30%)
• Availability of subsidized, non-profit, and co-op housing
• Availability of housing that is of adequate quality (e.g., not in need of major repairs or
renovations; no infestations)
• Evidence of overcrowded housing (based on age, sex/gender, and number of household
• Rate of core housing need (living in an unsuitable, inadequate, or unaffordable dwelling and
unable to afford alternative housing in the community)
• Rate of supply and vacancy of suitable housing (e.g., availability of rentals/homes for
purchase that are accessible by transit and adequate in size)
• Evidence of housing stability
• Rate of homeownership
• Rate of unsheltered homelessness/unhoused
• Rate of “hidden homelessness” (e.g., involuntary “doubling-up,” couch surfing, sharing
• Evidence of discrimination in acquiring and living in housing (from property managers,
landlords, and/or real estate agents)
• Availability of reliable information in both official languages and other top languages of new
arrivals about housing markets in Canada and tenants’ rights and responsibilities
• Level of knowledge about the housing market and how to obtain housing in Canada
• Level of knowledge of rights and responsibilities as tenants and homeowners
• Level of satisfaction with:
o information for immigrants about housing markets in Canada and tenants’ rights and
o one’s current housing situation